ODCHOVANÍ JEDINCI - the Battlefield of the three Emperors
jméno jedince barva datum narození číslo zápisu PK
 Chaos the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá/čb 10.7.2022 CMKU/NF/7025/22
 Charis the Battlefield of the three Emperors černobílá 10.7.2022 CMKU/NF/7026/22
 Charlene the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá/čb 10.7.2022 CMKU/NF/7029/22
 Cher the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá/čb 10.7.2022 CMKU/NF/7030/22
 Chewie the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá/čb 10.7.2022 CMKU/NF/7027/22
 Chiméra the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá/čb 10.7.2022 CMKU/NF/7031/22
 Chubby the Battlefield of the three Emperors černobílá 10.7.2022 CMKU/NF/7028/22
 Hankey Bannister the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 8.7.2021 CMKU/NF/6865/21
 Harabura the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 8.7.2021 CMKU/NF/6868/21
 Heaven Water the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 8.7.2021 CMKU/NF/6866/21
 Hefron the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 8.7.2021 CMKU/NF/6867/21/-23
 Hennessy the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 8.7.2021 CMKU/NF/6869/21
 Hibiki the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá/čb/š 8.7.2021 CMKU/NF/6870/21/23
 Genovefa the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 21.2.2021 CMKU/NF/6837/21
 Ginevra the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 21.2.2021 CMKU/NF/6838/21
 Gwendolyn the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 21.2.2021 CMKU/NF/6839/21
 Felie the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 24.1.2020 CMKU/NF/6723/20
 Edmund the Battlefield of the three Emperors černobílá 25.8.2019 CMKU/NF/6659/19
 Edward Nygma the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá/čb 25.8.2019 CMKU/NF/6660/19
 Eir the Battlefield of the three Emperors černobílá 25.8.2019 CMKU/NF/6662/19
 Eliot the Battlefield of the three Emperors černobílá 25.8.2019 CMKU/NF/6661/19
 Elizabeth the Battlefield of the three Emperors černobílá 25.8.2019 CMKU/NF/6663/19
 Evelyn the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá/čb 25.8.2019 CMKU/NF/6664/19
 Eywa the Battlefield of the three Emperors černobílá 25.8.2019 CMKU/NF/6665/19
 Daenerys the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 10.10.2017 CMKU/NF/6503/17/19
 Davos the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 10.10.2017 CMKU/NF/6501/17/21
 Desdemona the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 10.10.2017 CMKU/NF/6504/17
 Doreah the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 10.10.2017 CMKU/NF/6505/17
 Drogon the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 10.10.2017 CMKU/NF/6502/17
 C'Olive the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 7.11.2016 CMKU/NF/6380/16
 Baily the Battlefield of the three Emperors černobílá 22.10.2015 CMKU/NF/6256/15/17
 Bloody Mary the Battlefield of the three Emperors černobílá 22.10.2015 CMKU/NF/6257/15/17
 Bonaparte the Battlefield of the three Emperors černobílá 22.10.2015 SPKP 1993
 Bourbon the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá/čb 22.10.2015 CMKU/NF/6255/15
 Aaron the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 11.3.2012 CMKU/NF/5795/12
 Abbey the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 11.3.2012 CMKU/NF/5800/12
 Afrodité the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 11.3.2012 CMKU/NF/5801/12
 Agáthea the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá/čb 11.3.2012 CMKU/NF/5802/12
 Aishenti the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 11.3.2012 CMKU/NF/5803/12
 Alex the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 11.3.2012 CMKU/NF/5796/12
 Alexandra the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 11.3.2012 CMKU/NF/5804/12
 Arctic Snow the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 11.3.2012 CMKU/NF/5797/12
 Ares the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 11.3.2012 CMKU/NF/5798/12
 Awar the Battlefield of the three Emperors černá 11.3.2012 CMKU/NF/5799/12